maandag 29 juni 2009

Wees dapper, hart!

O als ik niet met opgeheven hoofde
zijn heil van dag tot dag verwachten mocht!
O als ik van zijn goedheid niet geloofde,
dat Hij te vinden is voor die Hem zocht!
Wees dapper, hart, houd altijd goede moed!
Hij is getrouw, de bron van alle goed!
Wacht op de Heer, die u in zwakheid schraagt,
wacht op de Heer en houd u onversaagd.

(Psalm 27)

zaterdag 27 juni 2009

zondag 21 juni 2009

De Heer zegene u

Moge de HEER u antwoorden in dagen van nood
en de naam van Jakobs God u beschermen,
moge hij hulp zenden uit zijn heiligdom,
uit Sion u bijstaan.

Moge hij al uw gaven gedenken,
uw brandoffers welwillend aanvaarden,
moge hij geven wat uw hart verlangt,
en al uw plannen doen slagen.
(Psalm 20, 2-5)

dinsdag 9 juni 2009

Does it make any difference?

I've seen you playing with the kids of your class
Seen you wrestling, trying to be the strongest
Learned to think, learned to choose
Between right or wrong
And you've heard about a Shepherd,
Who loves His children true
And I've seen you wandering
Through the streets of the city
You stopped and entered in
In places you would not find me
And your cold and empty eyes
Above your cold and empty glass
Told Me that My name
Was just a memory to you

Everything you could lose
You lost so early in your life
Your last love and trust
Was throwened away by people
But the cry of your heart
That no one could hear
And the hunger in your eyes
Only I could understand
Now you've throwned everything away
And you have no view, no hope
Only the memory that make from a day
A night
Again I call your name
And I stretch out my hand
I love you, My child
I've been waiting for you so long

And I knew about your being
Long before your parents knew
Before you could move
Could talk, could think
And I knew your thoughts
Your feelings, your life
And I called your name,
When I died on that cross

I love you so
I called out your name
I love you so
I called out your name


woensdag 3 juni 2009